Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Art of Wire Wrapping

I've always thought that wire wrapping cabochons and other items is just beautiful. It always looked so difficult to do and it's always done in sterling silver wire so I know that it's expensive. Well, after watching another talented artist from another blog (Brenda Moran) repeatedly make gorgeous wire wrapped jewelry, I was inspired to look into it further. I purchased a couple of how-to videos from a wonderfully talented woman on Etsy and watched them over and over. When I felt confident enough to try it, I practiced on some silver plated wire and a turquoise colored howlite bead.

Here's a pic of my first attempt at wire wrapping!

Not bad eh! Practice! practice! practice!


  1. OMG...Laura...I had no idea you did this! This is beautiful! I've tried to work with that kind of thing with no success! I'm a doesn't work well for me! I admire your talent!

  2. Wow Laura what a great first attempt.Good for you, with Cindys poly tuition youll be doing georgeous things just like Brenda who is a whiz isnt she.
    To your friend commentist Christie Lee , dont put your self down, as it is not as hard as it looks and as Laura says, practise practise practise and youll be doing as well in no time
    E. XX
