Thursday, December 16, 2010

Here is a pic of a necklace that I made from a pendant that a friend had. I added the leather cord and made a copper clasp from a couple of Cindy Lietz tutorials, Hammered Copper Wire and Wire Cord Ends.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

So we had a snow day today here in upstate New York. What a wonderful way to spend the day - playing with my clay. And I totally did!!! I tried a new technique that I learned from Cindy Lietz, Polymer Clay Tutor, called "Polymer Clay Art Sheets". Here is the link if you want to see how to do it. I had great fun with it and made some awesome beads and pendants. I will take pics soon and post them. I recently purchased a uv oven and have been experimenting with resin. I absolutely love the way my pendants and beads are turning out!

Pics soon!! ;D

Monday, December 6, 2010


Well, after being on Etsy for over a year, I had my very first Etsy sale today!! I was checking my email and saw that I must have had a sale, however, I was just on Ebay and there was no sale that I wasn't aware of. Was racking my brain trying to figure out where that sale came from and I thought "NO WAY, NOT ETSY!!!" Well, lo and behold, after digging further, yup, there it was right there on Etsy!! Very excited to see all is not lost. Now to take advantage and get some more items listed.

Here is a pic of the item I sold:

Friday, December 3, 2010

Polymer Clay

I've recently become hooked on trying something new. It's making beads and pendants out of polymer clay. The possibilities are endless. I've begun making canes, from which you would take a thin slice and make a bead or pendant. You would then bake it, sand it, sand it some more and then sand it again. Then buff it and then polish it. So these are some of my first canes and the some of the beads that I've made from them. Mind you these are the first ones and they are not sanded or buffed and polished so they will have some fingerprints on them and the holes will not be perfect. When they are done though they will look gorgeous darling, I promise!!

This is a simple jelly roll cane. It's done in turquois, teal and white. You can see in the picture there are two spots where there are air bubbles. A definite no-no in using polymer clay.

These beads were made using the above jellyroll cane. They turned out pretty good!

So believe it or not, this is the second flower cane I've ever made. I am so impressed with how it turned out! It is a gerbera daisy that I learned from Cindy Lietz, The Polymer Clay Tutor. She broke it down into steps and made it so easy!

These beads are made from the gerbera daisy flower cane pictured above. There are large lentil beads (they are actually too big, but live and learn, the next ones will be smaller) using the above cane in two different sizes. The round beads are using the gerbera cane and also a translucent cane done in a gold/yellow color. These are okay, but the slices of the translucent cane should have been much thinner. Again, next time! The yellow beads in this picture are made from a burgundy base bead and slices of the yellow translucent cane.

This cane was made using a mixture of all three colors of the jelly roll cane and adding some goldleaf foil. You can see a faint marbled texture with specks of the goldleaf inside. There is a big chunk of goldleaf at the top of the cane.

These lentil beads were made from the above cane, however all of the marbling effect is gone and just the goldleaf is visible. They look a bit dingy right now because they haven't been through the sanding process yet, but I when they do, they will look quite nice.

This is a nice marbled cane that I made from the scraps from making the other canes. I love the marbled effect.

These beads were made again from scraps. I love the way the translucent clay is in chunks with the goldleaf. The shapes didn't turn out as round as I'd have liked, I must have been distracted or something (maybe too much wine, LOL)! That's okay though I'll find a use for them in something.

More scrap beads. My boys love these beads. They say that they look like camoflage beads. These haven't been throught the sanding process yet either.

This cane was made from scraps from the gerbera daisy cane above. It will make a really nice center cane for another flower cane or a nice cane for a kaleidoscope cane. As you can see from the picture below, this was made by simply twisting and twisting until the stripes on the outside are nice and tight. You never know what treasures are lurking inside your clay.

These beads were made from the cane above. I love the marbled effects on the outside of these beads. When they have gone through the sanding process they will be beautiful beads for a necklace, bracelet or earrings.

This cane is a kaleidoscope cane. It's my first one and it turned out okay. It's kinda cool looking, but eh, I'm sure more inspiration will come along.

These are some earring pendants that I made from a background or fabric sheet of clay. I used another kaleidoscope cane that turned out kinda cool looking.

Using the same fabric sheet, I tried some beads that had a different look to them. They turned out rather nice and I'll probably make some earrings with them too.

I had previously purchased some polymer clay beads and made a book thong using them as a focal bead. Well, I sold out of those beads and I couldn't get anymore. Soooo...I made this cane to replace those beads. It's not an exact replica, but it's pretty close to the original bead.
Here is my bead:

Here is the original bead:

Not exact, but pretty close!!

Bridal / Prom Collection

I have several pieces that I've done as part of a bridal/prom/eveningwear collection. I have necklaces, earrings, bracelets, hairsprays and hair sticks.

The large blue spray was made for a lovely girl who was looking for some bling for her hair. As you can see from the pictures below, this looked absolutely gorgeous with her updo. She also used a set of hair picks and a gorgeous pair of crystal earrings.


With all of the lanyards I've done you would think I would also have done a million necklaces. I'm always hearing "that would be beautiful as a necklace". Well, oddly enough, I don't make very many necklaces.

Here are some pics of couple that I have made.

The necklace and earrings above are blueberry quartz and silver.

I am currently working on a multi-strand necklace done in brass and fancy jasper beads. It is turning out just beautiful. I am looking for just the right clasp and then it will be done. I will post a pic when it's completed.

Some of my jewelry...

So I finally got out the camera and can show you a couple of things I've made in the past. I sell on Ebay and mostly sell lanyards. They are really popular. Some people have one for every outfit! Unbelievable...

Below you will find a classic pearl and crystal lanyard. This is one of my best sellers.

I found these lovely blue striped glass heart beads. They have streaks of silver running through them. It turned out so pretty! Don't you think?

I was feeling a bit of copper and turquois. I found some great copper findings and used them on this lanyard with some crackle glass, copper and turquoise beads. This as a nice southwestern feel.

This lanyard turned out so pretty! I had just gotten a bunch of different silver plated beads and was excited to try them out.

This last lanyard is gorgeous in earth tones. I found a nice green tone ceramic bead and paired it up with some brown tiger eye beads. Very striking!!

These are just a couple of the lanyards I've made. I recently made one for myself that is copper with hematite and crystal beads and I've attached a watch at the base just before the lobster claw clasp. It's so pretty...and I don't have a pic of it.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

My New Thing is Polymer Clay

So I make a ton of lanyards. They are something that many people are required to use everyday and so many people like to have one to match every outfit. I often struggle to find a focal bead in different colors, shapes and sizes. So I've looked and looked and I've discovered the art of polymer clay. I have read and read and then read some more on all of the things that you can do to make beads with polymer clay. I'm learning how to make canes which is tons of fun but soooo much work. I have made 3 different flower canes so far and am loving the results that you can get with them, either by using them by themselves or all together. I will post pics of my work so far soon.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Announcing My Passion For Making Jewelry

Well, anyone that knows me knows that this is not a new passion. I have been making jewelry for over a year now and when I'm not taking care of family, I will be found at my "jewelry making counter". It is actually the island space in my kitchen which is the central hub of the household. Right now, my stuff is limited to a corner of the kitchen which I can maintain in an orderly fashion if I am very diligent. Today, if you stop by, you are in luck my corner is clean!!